
Value of the college degree

College life is essential for every individual born in this world.In United States college life begins with an credence letter.At the same time for college education sixty percent of of college graduates are into debt paying for college tuition. They borrow over $27,000 on average The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau found that amounts to a trillion dollars outstanding nationally.

There are few facts the longer you stay in school more likely it is you’ll have a job. The unemployment rate for college graduates with a bachelor’s degree or higher is about half the rate for those with only high school diplomas.

Pursued college students will have a better opportunity jobs than non-graduates. The wage gap between the average high school and 4-year college graduate is more than a half a million dollars.

 The benefits of a four-year college degree are equivalent to an investment that returns 15.2 percent per year. This is more than double the average return to stock market investments ,it is more than five times the returns to corporate bonds, gold, long-term government bonds, or home ownership