A team of three scientists are working on glowing plants.By using some genes from luminescent marine bacteria and engineering the bacteria’s DNA ,the team believes without using electricity it is possible to eventually make plants and trees of all sizes glow .
Arabidopsis is the name of the plant they are working on.It has got the shortest genomes(The ordering of genes in a haploid set of chromosomes of a particular organism; the full DNA sequence of an organism),but its life span is less and hence has to worked on it quickly.
The team is closing in on its stretch goal of $400,000. The team is also setting up an advisory board that will assess any ethical considerations related to their experiments.
Arabidopsis is the name of the plant they are working on.It has got the shortest genomes(The ordering of genes in a haploid set of chromosomes of a particular organism; the full DNA sequence of an organism),but its life span is less and hence has to worked on it quickly.
The team is closing in on its stretch goal of $400,000. The team is also setting up an advisory board that will assess any ethical considerations related to their experiments.