
Google's wearable computer

   Google's wearable computer, the most expected piece of electronic exceptional creative since the iPad and iPhone, will not go on sale for many months.

 The glasses like device, which allows users to access the Internet, take photos and make film short snippets.It is a pair lens-less frames with a tiny computer which can be connected to the earpiece.(that covers or passes over the ear)

Google as developed the glass with combined in an inconspicuous way (i.e) "seamless and empowering." It will have the ability to capture any chance of encountering, from a celebrity sighting to a grumpy salesclerk, and broadcast it to millions in seconds.

Among all it protects to make it less intrude: you have to speak or touch it to activate it, and you have to look directly at someone to take a photograph or video of them.

Developers, however, are already cracking the limits of Glass. One created a small sensation in tech circles last week with a program that eliminated the need for gestures or voice commands. To snap a picture, all the user needs to do is wink.

The 5 Point Cafe, a Seattle dive bar, was apparently the first to explicitly ban Glass. In part it was a publicity stunt — extremely successful, too, as it garnered worldwide attention — but the bar’s owner, Dave Meinert, said there was a serious side. The bar, he said, was “kind of a private place.”

The legislators in West Virginia were not joking at all. The state banned texting while driving last year but hands-free devices are permitted. That left a loophole for Google Glass. The legislation was introduced too late to gain traction before the most recent session ended, but its sponsor says he is likely to try again.
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