
Packaged foods are bad for your health

There are lot of packaged foods that are bad for your health that affects narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips because they contain lot of calories in it.It also has additives like sugar,fat.A typical container of flavored yogurt can easily contain 24 to 30 grams of sugar, as much as the entire recommended daily allowance for most women. 

As we know fat free chips are also packaged they are bad for waistline,because it is made up of  olestra. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) originally approved olestra for use as a replacement for fats and oils in prepackaged ready-to-eat snacks in 1996 concluding that such use meets the safety standard for food additives, reasonable certainty of no harm. 

One can of diet cola packs almost as much a bitter alkaloid ,so a few cans a day could leave you fluctuating between feeling stepped up and crashing. Besides triggering major dips in energy, soda makes it tougher to fall asleep come bedtime, and its acidity can damage tooth enamel if sipped daily.

If you are eating packed egg omlets it is not good for health as it contains lot of color other extra ingredients that makes the health harmful.It is better to use handmade beaten eggs.

Sugar free bars an artificial sweetener found in many sugar-free products, is difficult for your body to break down and can cause bloating and indigestion. Choose bars naturally low in sugar and with less than five ingredients. 

Finally oatmeal those little packets of breakfast cereal cook so quickly because they're sued, meaning they have a high glycemic index(Relating to the effect of different foods on blood sugar levels) so your body also digests them quickly. 
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