
The Transformational Possible of alternated Classrooms

Massive open online courses flipped the online higher education, it was the conception of the year 2012 in many K- 12 schools. Even though flipping the classrooms was an  basal idea it is really a possible transformational alternated classrooms is not the viewing of lectures outside of class but rather it is the model of using the extra time in the class.

In other words, a flipped classroom is really just a structural change similar to each class is scheduled for a longer period of time than normal.However,flipping the classroom may help all students to achieve subject mastery, in the way and at the pace that works best for them. 

In a flipped classrooms the students watch and follow the lectures and they also tackle difficult part of their subjects.Difficult concepts or areas of particular interest are more easily accessed and reviewed than is possible in a traditional classroom lecture.

The most advantage in flipped classrooms is that students have more control in the content than the normal one.Making the basic content instruction online gives students the opportunity to hit rewind and view again a section they don’t understand or fast-forward through material they have already overcame.

Either at home or during a homework period at school, students view lessons and lectures online.They can watch the content anytime,anywhere in the online. 

There are also few cons that if low-income students lack access to computers at home or to reliable Internet access, flipping may be a nonstarter in some schools. Some fear that in relying on parents to provide technology and support, the flipped-classroom model may exacerbate existing resource inequalities.