
Obamacare-starts pealing up in October

Obamacare-Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will start pealing up in October and it will adjust how the coverage plan depending upon its impact.

 According to a Kaiser Family Foundation report in America more than 160 millions of people have taken health coverage in their respective jobs were enrolled in  "grandfathered" insurance plan .

These plans won't have to conform to many of the new regulations mandated by health reform. Grandfathered plans are also exempt from a requirement that insurers cover at least 60 percent of expected medical costs.

The Obamacare plans are largely designed to protect consumers - limiting the pay of workers pocket and what insurers can refuse to cover. All new individual policies will have to cover more services, including medication, maternity and mental healthcare.

Order by virtue of superior authority that policy place on March 23, 2010, falls under the grandfather exemption. As the Obama administration put it, if you like your plan, your doctor or both, you can keep them.

The best way to know whether your coverage falls into this category is to ask your human resources department. If you buy your coverage privately, your insurer should send you a letter, or you can call and ask.